Ashley Zeldin for Mar Vista Community Council


Vote in-person at the Mar Vista Recreation Center on Sunday, March 26 from 1 to 7 p.m.!
Click here or scroll down for more info!


Engaged stakeholder. MVCC committee member. Software engineer. North Westdale renter.

That's who I am: I have a proven record of working with fellow stakeholders and city government alike to find solutions to issues impacting our quality of life.

I've facilitated meetings between Zone 2 neighbors and city officials, disseminated one-sheets about development in Zone 2, rallied Zone 2 stakeholders to comment at MVCC meetings, led local letter-writing campaigns to city agencies. I'll be honored to continue empowering you by representing you on the MVCC as your Zone 2 Director on all the issues, from infrastructure to transportation, development to homelessness.

I've lived here for almost 11 years, long enough to understand that we can't keep sweeping our problems into other neighborhoods; we've got to address the root causes in our own neighborhood.

The MVCC presents a pathway by which stakeholders can advocate for the betterment of our community. Let's make progress together.

Why I'm Running

I've been an active stakeholder for 4+ years, attending countless meetings of the MVCC Board of Directors and its various committees including Planning & Land-Use; Transportation & Infrastructure; Elections & Bylaws; Outreach; Education, Arts, & Culture. My participation earned me leadership appointments, including Vice-Chair of the Community Plan Subcommittee in 2020-2021.

Yet for the first 6 years I lived in North Westdale, I never knew the Mar Vista Community Council (or the North Westdale Neighborhood Association) even existed!

As I got involved, I noticed that many of my neighbors in Zone 2 were either unaware or disengaged. I took it upon myself to get the word out about items that affect us here in North Westdale, posting announcements, observations, and insights on both the North Westdale neighborhood group on Facebook and the North Westdale Neighborhood Association email group, presenting resources for all sides of issues so neighbors can draw their own conclusions. My explanatory articles and open letters have been published in the North Westdale Neighborhood Association newsletter as well. The feedback I receive encourages me to keep going!

I pledge to keep lines of communication open to all Zone 2 stakeholders, not only those who agree with my own opinions. I've appreciated the opportunity to learn from my neighbors with disparate mindsets. I'm prepared to set my personal views aside when necessary to carry out the will of Zone 2 stakeholders. I possess the commitment and energy to advocate for our community.

Whether you've lived or worked in North Westdale for 4 months or 40 years, your viewpoint matters to me!

As a software engineer, I will apply my problem-solving skills to seek compromise and my systems thinking approach to devise solutions.

As your Zone 2 Director, I will provide more active, inclusive representation to foster consistent broad stakeholder engagement, while contributing productively and collaboratively on the MVCC.

How to Vote

The best way to make your voice heard is to vote! Tell your neighbors and friends to vote, too!

While the 2023 Neighborhood Council Elections allow for both vote-by-mail and in-person voting, applications for vote-by-mail ballots have now closed. Vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked by election day, Sunday, March 26.

If you haven't already requested or received your ballot, you still have the opportunity to vote in-person on Sunday, March 26 at the Mar Vista Recreation Center, located at 11430 Woodbine St, from 1 to 7 p.m.

Anyone 16 and older is eligible to vote in the Mar Vista Community Council election, regardless of citizenship status!

All you need is a photo ID and proof of age and stakeholdership! If your photo ID has your age and home address in North Westdale--like a driver's license--you're all set! Otherwise, you can bring:

  • photo ID
    • examples: passport, state ID card, school ID
  • proof of age
    • examples: passport, birth certificate, permanent resident card
  • proof of residence
    • examples: utility bill, rental agreement, homeowners insurance
  • proof of work
    • examples: pay stub, business license, staff roster

Check out the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment website for more information on voting in the 2023 Neighborhood Council elections!

On the Issues

Stakeholders have many different priorities in our community. As former Vice-Chair of the Community Plan Subcommittee, I've found that many of our concerns are intertwined. In my own experience and from talking to stakeholders, I've identified the most pressing issues as development, infrastructure, and homelessness.

  • Development is happening all around us. In fact, I've rallied my neighbors to attend PLUM meetings about a potential development right next door to my apartment building! Opposing all development is not an effective tactic. It makes sense to allow denser development on major corridors to minimize impacts on single-family neighborhoods. Rather than allowing development to be imposed on us without our input, I believe in engaging with developers to negotiate community benefits such as street resurfacing and repair, preferred resident parking zones, and accessible open green space. We can still preserve the nature of our neighborhood while accepting the reality of new development. It is in our best interest to support sustainable growth.
  • Infrastructure is often forgotten until it fails. Whether broken sidewalks or utilities outages, infrastructure issues impact our quality of life. It is vital that we work with city agencies and private developers alike to ensure that our infrastructure continues to function without disruption. Infrastructure upgrades are a totally reasonable ask when considering proposed developments in our neighborhood.
  • Homelessness is a contentious issue in our community. I live just a block-and-a-half from an encampment, so I'm keenly aware of the impacts of homelessness on our neighborhood. That's why I support housing-first solutions, informed by in-depth discussions with a former Homeless Issues Committee chair and observations of the efforts of community groups like HousingMV. It's much easier for people to accept help with a roof over their head. Keeping people housed starts with affordable housing at all income levels.

Above all, it will be my imperative to listen to and advocate for stakeholders to the MVCC board, our councilmembers, and city government.

I will prioritize increasing stakeholder awareness and participation through more effective and consistent outreach methods. The MVCC has come a long way in terms of engaging stakeholders, however, there's so much more we can do in our community. I also hope to reenfranchise underrepresented stakeholder groups.

The MVCC is an advisory board, so ultimately we do not have legislative power. That said, we still can work together to influence policy for the betterment of Mar Vista.

Experience with the MVCC


  • Community Plan Subcommittee, 1st Vice-Chair, July 2020-July 2021
  • Community Outreach Committee, 1st Vice-Chair, July 2019-October 2019


  • Created one-sheets summarizing proposed zoning changes throughout all 7 Mar Vista Community Council Zones
  • Personally hand-delivered flyers to over 110 homes in areas slated for zoning changes in Zone 2, North Westdale
  • Regular attendee of and speaker at MVCC Board of Directors meetings
  • Regular participant in committee and subcommittee meetings including Community Plan Subcommittee; Planning & Land-Use Management Committee; Renters' Subcommittee; Education, Arts, & Culture Committee; Community Outreach Committee; Transportation & Infrastructure Committee; Great Streets Subcommittee; COVID-19 Community Response Subcommittee.
  • Conceived and wrote a Community Plan motion requesting additional community presentation and feedback cycle; passed Community Plan (47/1/0), passed PLUM without objection, approved by BOD without objection

Experience Around the Community

Beyond the MVCC

  • Buy Nothing Mar Vista, Member, January 2021-present
    • Contributing to local Buy Nothing Project group promoting gift economy
    • Volunteering to complete pickups and dropoffs for neighbors with limited mobility
  • Westside Friends, Writer/Designer, April 2020-October 2020
    • Wrote and designed all content as well as edited photos and graphics for the weekly newsletter of mutual aid organization serving 1000+ community members throughout the westside
    • Originated the Westside Stories column highlighting both those giving and receiving aid via the organization
  • North Westdale Neighborhood Assocation, Block Captain, January 2020-present
    • Delivered the North Westdale Neighborhood Association newsletter to residents on the 2400 and 2500 blocks of Wellesley Avenue from January through August 2020 when publishing transitioned to an as-needed basis

Throughout LA

  • Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Greater Los Angeles
    • Leadership Team, Visionaries of the Year Campaign, September 2022-present
    • Visionary of the Year Candidate, September 2021-June 2022
      • Led a massive fundraising campaign in honor of my mom, a non-Hodgkin lymphoma survivor, earning the right to sponsor a research portfolio in my mom's name by raising more than $50,000
      • Recognized with the Mission Award for Patient Support for my efforts in spreading awareness of LLS services for patients and families while ensuring that all contributors understood the practical impact of their donations
    • Big Climb Participant, May 2021

About Ashley

A software engineer, project manager, and event organizer, I excel at building user-focused systems and devising creative solutions, helping others envision and realize their potential.

During my 5-year tenure on the board of the Los Angeles chapter of the International Game Developers Association, I coordinated professional development events for more than 1000 members of the greater Los Angeles game development community.

Before I wrote code, I wrote words: I was a sportswriter, general assignment reporter, copy-editor, "public relations professional", and public-access t.v. production assistant. I earned my BA in Print Journalism from the University of Southern California, my Master of Media Practice with Merit from the University of Sydney, and my Certificate of Achievement in Computer Programming with honors from Santa Monica College.

I've lived with my partner John in North Westdale, Zone 2 of the Mar Vista Community Council area, for almost 11 years. In my free time, I can be found singing karaoke live, playing board games, or exploring the outdoors. My passion for my 5-time Stanley Cup champion Pittsburgh Penguins is rivaled only by my fondness for food.


I am proud to be endorsed by Mar Vista community leaders and Zone 2 stakeholders, including two former Zone 2 Directors.

Ashley is endorsed by

Community Leaders

(titles listed solely for identification purposes, Zone 2 stakeholders in bold)

  • Çiğdem Akbay former Education, Arts, & Culture Committee Chair
  • Derl Clausen incoming Zone 7 Director
  • Krishna Curry former Zone 7 Director
  • Robin Doyno former At-Large Director and At-Large Director candidate
  • Kelsey Figone candidate for Zone 1 Director
  • Stacey Greenwald incumbent At-Large Director
  • Gabriel Hill former At‑Large Director
  • Richard Hirschkoff founder of HousingMV
  • Bill Koontz former Zone 2 Director and At-Large Director
  • Tyler LaFerriere outgoing Zone 1 Director and MVCC Chair
  • David Lee Education, Arts, & Culture Committee Chair
  • Faith Myhra outgoing Zone 7 Director
  • Damien Newton former Zone 2 Director
  • Stephen Paddock candidate for At-Large Director
  • Sara Roos former At-Large Director and MVCC Secretary
  • Andrew Ruesch incumbent Zone 5 Director and MVCC Treasurer
  • Armond Seretti former Zone 4 Director and Homeless Issues Committee Chair
  • Pamula Solar former Education, Arts, & Culture Committee Vice-Chair

Zone 2 Stakeholders

  • Michael and Sarah Chaskes
  • Lupe Cortez
  • Anne Gaw
  • Charlotte Hitz and Harrison Hopkins
  • Jen Kanter
  • Elvia Mendez
  • Damien and Marybeth Newton
  • Courtenay and Greg Palaski
  • Sindy Saito
  • Pamula Solar
  • Kami Turrou
  • Ryan White

Ashley endorses

  • Kelsey Figone for Zone 1 Director
  • Andrew Ruesch for Zone 5 Director
  • Derl Clausen for Zone 7 Director
  • Robin Doyno for At-Large Director
  • Stacey Greenwald for At-Large Director
  • Stephen Paddock for At-Large Director
  • Edward Sand for At-Large Director

What Neighbors Say

Ashley mobilized dozens of neighbors to attend hearings and voice their concerns. She didn't push her point of view on people, but instead made sure they had the information they needed to make informed decisions. MVCC could use her and a dozen more board members just like her.
— Damien Newton
former Zone 2 Director
I've gotten to know Ashley through MVCC meetings and I love her commitment to our community. She's open to listening and learning about local concerns and is very helpful in seeking out solutions. Being the creative and open-minded thinker she is also makes her a great leader and collaborator.
— Çiğdem Akbay
former Education, Arts, & Culture Committee Chair
In a world of wildly divided slates of candidates all with some agenda Ashley stands apart. I am a Conservative and she is a Democrat yet we have...found common ground. I gained a new understanding of issues in my conversations with her and she listened with genuine curiosity and care. She doesn't come with a predetermined agenda. She personifies what the MVCC needs and has earned your vote by tirelessly working for our collective interest.
— Armond Seretti
former Zone 4 Director and Homeless Issues Committee Chair
Ashley truly works to represent the stakeholders, regardless of her own opinions. She presents issues objectively...and coaches people through the appropriate channels to make their voices heard. She cares about our neighborhood and the people in it. I will vote for Ashley.
— Anne Gaw
Zone 2 Stakeholder
I was a concerned homeowner seeking information about the ongoing community plan update process in Zone 5. Ashley took time out of her very busy day to provide me with flyers she had designed for each zone. Although Ashley is a renter in Mar Vista, she truly cares about homeowner's concerns as well. Her willingness to jump in and take action would be an asset on the board.
— Andrew Ruesch
incumbent Zone 5 Director and MVCC Treasurer
Ashley is a dedicated community leader who wants to see us all work together for the betterment of Mar Vista. Her dedication to our community is clear in her volunteering for the MVCC and serving as Vice-Chair of the Community Plan Subcommittee. I am honored to call her my neighbor and endorse her candidacy.
— Faith Myhra
outgoing Zone 7 Director
Ashley is the epitome of a community member: welcoming, genuine, eager to help, and always willing to have a conversation. Her involvement with the MVCC is impressive; it's true you may not know her, but you've seen her work. I always appreciate her thoughtful comments advocating for stakeholders at the various meetings she attends. Ashley has my wholehearted support.
— David Lee
Education, Arts, & Culture Committee Chair
Ashley Zeldin has openly and strongly championed for Mar Vista residents for years. She walks the walk and talks the talk at meetings. She speaks up and shows up and will represent her MVCC Zone 2 constituents admirably!
— Sara Roos
former At-Large Director and MVCC Secretary

Candidate Forum

Watch the 2023 MVCC Candidate Forum in its entirety right here!

The speeches by your two Zone 2 Director candidates begin at the 32:15 mark;
I'm on at 35:15!


I'd love to earn your vote! So, let's talk! Please email or call me, and I'll be happy to chat with you. I'm looking forward to getting to know even more of my neighbors in Zone 2 of the Mar Vista Community Council area!

Let's connect on social media! Follow me to show your support!

Get Involved

My candidacy is all about representing you, the stakeholders! But first we have to get me elected! Here's where you come in!

If you're interested getting out the word about the upcoming election--and about me!--I welcome your help!

I will be canvassing--wearing a mask, of course!--throughout Mar Vista, so I'd love for you to join the "street team" to pass out flyers in your area.

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